Hello + welcome to this tiny space on the internet! I created this blog (+ changed the name twice since) 14 years ago as a creative outlet from my career in the emergency room as a PA. After spending the past 7 (or so) years on social media outlets, I have decided to delete all of the ones associated with this blog and get back to the heart of blogging.
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Have you ever found yourself in the baby food aisle feeling lost as you try to decide which baby food to buy? You want the best for your child, but there are so many options! Unfortunately the pictures of nutritious vegetables on the front are often misleading. Dr. Teresa Purzner found herself in this same situation and was shocked at what she found when she read the nutritional information on the back of pouch packages. Today she is sharing her findings regarding the shocking lack of nutrients in baby foods and how she created a product that fills the need of convenient and nutritious foods for early years.
Dr. Purzner is a practicing neurosurgeon and PhD Developmental Neurobiologist from Stanford, but first and foremost, she is a mom to three little ones which is what inspired her to start Cerebelly. She started Cerebelly with her brother, Nick but her day job is still neurosurgery. She believes in the critical importance in improving the way we nourish children – specifically in the early years when their brain is doing its most important stages of development.
In this episode we discuss:
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