Hello + welcome to this tiny space on the internet! I created this blog (+ changed the name twice since) 14 years ago as a creative outlet from my career in the emergency room as a PA. After spending the past 7 (or so) years on social media outlets, I have decided to delete all of the ones associated with this blog and get back to the heart of blogging.
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How do we better control misinformation floating around social media? Which news source should you trust? How do you find middle ground with someone on a topic that you do not agree on? What are the driving forces behind conspiracy theories? We are answering all of these questions and more in today’s interview with Sharon McMahon.
Sharon is the mastermind behind the Instagram account @sharonsaysso, where she tackles tough government questions with non-partisan facts. She has over a decade of experience in government and law education. Sharon is passionate about teaching others how to recognize bias and empower them to feel less overwhelmed and more informed along the way.
What is the best way to go to a news source on a specific topic and get an overall view?
Who holds the media accountable?
How do we better control misinformation on social media?
Are there any online sources to help teach kids about confirmation bias or the filter bubble?
How do you find reputable sources? How do you weed out useless information?
How to open minds of closed-minded people?
How do I find a middle ground with parents who have very different views than me?
Are websites like snopes.com and politifact.com reliable sources?
How do things like QAnon even happen?
How do we help friends and family who believe in conspiracy theories?
What are tips for debating someone who refuses to see logic or facts?
Disclaimer: This podcast does not provide medical advice. The information on this podcast is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.