Hello + welcome to this tiny space on the internet! I created this blog (+ changed the name twice since) 14 years ago as a creative outlet from my career in the emergency room as a PA. After spending the past 7 (or so) years on social media outlets, I have decided to delete all of the ones associated with this blog and get back to the heart of blogging.
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In today’s episode, Dr. Marta Perez and I will be addressing OB complications and how to reduce our anxiety surrounding those. We’ll look at complications during pregnancy, labor and birth, and postpartum. Dr. Perez’s eight week old baby, Paul, joins in on the conversation as well! With the incredible modern medicine we have now, you’ll hear that complications are common but not typically life-threatening. Hopefully by the end of this conversation, most of your anxieties and fears regarding these complications will be put to rest.
Dr. Perez is a board certified OB-GYN and assistant professor of OB-GYN at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, where she works as a laborist exclusively taking care of pregnant patients admitted to the hospital. She has a passion for direct public education on social media. Dr. Perez can be found on Instagram and Youtube providing evidence-based information about pregnancy, birth, postpartum, contraception and more. She enjoys everything fitness, reading, spending time with her husband and dog, and being a new mom.