Hello + welcome to this tiny space on the internet! I created this blog (+ changed the name twice since) 14 years ago as a creative outlet from my career in the emergency room as a PA. After spending the past 7 (or so) years on social media outlets, I have decided to delete all of the ones associated with this blog and get back to the heart of blogging.
A few weeks ago I thought it would be fun to involve the entire community in a 30 day social media detox this summer. I chose August as my screen free month but I had so many of you reach out requesting to do it a different month so I created these printables for you ahead of time! You may remember that I took the month of January off social media and that I found the first two weeks to be pretty difficult. I would still reach for my phone frequently and felt as though I was missing out on “everything”. By weeks 3-4 I began enjoying the solitude and quiet that was present without the constant social media/phone screen and honestly had a hard time going back. Personally I think that it’s necessary to do this for at least 30 days to get the full effect of how amazing your life can be free of social media. After listening to Rich Roll’s podcast with Cal Newport on Digital Minimalism last week, this really confirmed the need to commit to the full 30 days. If you haven’t listening to it, take a listen and then pick up Cal’s book, Digital Minimalism. I just started it this weekend and it’s fantastic so far. It includes practical steps to take towards the detox and then maintaining that “digital minimalism” when you get back from the detox.
“It’s easy to be seduced by the small amounts of profit offered by the latest app or service, but then forget its cost in terms of the most important resource we possess: the minutes of our life.” Cal Newport
I created these PDF print outs for you to document your journey through the 30 day detox. I guarantee you notice a HUGE difference at the end of week 1 when compared to week 4 and I promise you that it will be absolutely freeing.
“The thought process that went into building these applications, Facebook being the first of them, . . . was all about: “How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?” And that means that we need to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while, because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever.” Cal Newport
While you are off social media, I thought it would be a great exercise to think about your favorite accounts to keep up with on Instagram. I know that there are quite a few people who do find quality content on there and would love to still keep up with things once they come back from the detox. Write down your favorite accounts and then write down other ways that you could follow them. Do they have a podcast? Do they have a blog? Do they have newsletters?
Print this out and consider filling it out throughout the month. It’s important to think about the things you want to do to fill that time you were using to scroll social media or use screens. Do you want to start a new hobby? Create a bucket list with your kids? Visit a new place? Start something new? Print this one out by clicking on the image above or clicking here!
If you end up participating with me (or at any other time) be sure to share your answers with me via email (lynzyandco@gmail.com) or tag me in a story on IG! I would love to reshare!
I had quite a few questions about this challenge so I am going to answer them below.
1.) Does this include all screens or just social media?
For me personally, this includes all screens. I am stepping away from my computer, television and phone screen for 30 days. Seems drastic I know but I am up for the challenge. It is important to note that this is for personal use. I know that most of us need to use computers/phones for professional use and that is a separate beast!
If you want to just do a 30 day social media detox, I definitely think that is more realistic and what most will do! Just delete IG, FB and all other social media apps off your phone for 30 days!
2.) What will you do?!
I have so many ideas! At first my husband was like “We love relaxing with our shows at the end of a day!” and I almost got reeled in but I am sticking with it. I think this will be an actual challenge and will be fun at the same time. Instead of television I plan to read at least 2-3 books in 30 days, garden more, play games/cards with my husband, journal more, snuggle with my kids in bed longer (I am always racing off to get a bunch of things done), plan more outings with friends, and so much more!
3.) Will you still use your phone to make calls/receive calls and texts?
Yes! My phone will remain in the charging station a majority of the time on loud so I can hear it if I get a call. I also plan to use my phone to take videos of the kitchen progress and photos of the kitchen/kids occasionally!
4.) What about getting the news or up to date weather?
I will walk outside to figure out what the weather is for the day and as for news, I am honestly okay with being completely without it for a month but I also subscribed to a newspaper. I know, pretty crazy right? 😉
if you have any other questions, leave them for me below and I will add them here!
“…allow an optional technology back into your life at the end of the digital declutter, it must: Serve something you deeply value (offering some benefit is not enough). Be the best way to use technology to serve this value (if it’s not, replace it with something better). Have a role in your life that is constrained with a standard operating procedure that specifies when and how you use it.” Cal Newport
Hi lynzy! I really appreciate your post and point of view on the topic. Im Not going to lIe, i gEt a bit salty EVERY TIME you mention leaving ig. Its Because i love you, your account & conTent so much!! However, i cant dEnY that My feelings come from a very seLfiSh pLace. That beiNg said, seveRal factoRs contributed to me doing a media detox (you were thE heaviest hitter, haha). im now at thE Start of week 3 and im honestly fEEling sooo gooD! Ill miss you when you finally transition off ig but im thankful there are so many othEr ways to connect wIth you. Thank you for always staying truE to yourself even if thaT means going against the Grain, losing followers/income and possibly gaining “Haters”. You are one of the good influencers and your platform has brought about so much positivity and accurate information in a world of negativity and misinformation ????
Ps- not sure whats going on with all my typos, Sorry about that ????
I love this idea but how do you deal with texts? will you check and respond every time you hear a text ping? I know for me, my kids playdates and my plans with friends are primarily organized via text and that is something i am juggling pretty regularly!
Do you use a camera separate from your phone? I find that to be a hold up for me. I want to be able to take photos but then I find myself looking at the phone and even if I am not looking at the phone I don’t want my kids to remember me always having a phone in my hand.
Lynzy, I bought a flip phone because of you! I left my Job during covid, replaced my email/slack checking with mindless scrolling and Got completely aDdicted in a matter of weeks. After watching your stories, I Knew i had to make a change. Now my sMartphone stays home and off until after my kids go to sleep. I Briefly check my App notifications on wifi And turn it back off. Flip phone is there if i need to text or call during the day and my kids don’t have to lOok at me looking down. You’re my hero!
if you are collecting book ideas, i wonder if you would do a post on that? i too want to read more and sometimes get stuck!
Can’t wait, i wish everyone could do this and paRty like its 1999 again !!!
Love this idea! I hope to include my DaUghters too.
I love blogs and as a sahm the internet definitely makes me feel less lonely. That said, the benefits of Being offline are even greater. I stIll read a bLog or two once a day. Been off facebook for 6 years (halleluJah!) i tUrn off my phone from dinner time until late Morning every day. The list goes on … i am happy for everyone who will enjoy more of real life! I am so curious how this will all play out in our generation.
I have been social media-free for 14 mOnths now and i ThinK it is so important. It has helped simplified my life and i would recommend stepping away from it to anyone to fOcus on your Life’s priorities. Thanks for doing this!
Okay, I’m finally gearing up for this thing. Thirty days! I have a couple questions for you, lynzy. (1) is your husband joining you for the digital detox? I’m trying to figure out how to navigate this big shift when my husband isn’t quite on bored for himself. (2) Are you doing daily or weekly newspaper? Just curious! Even with that I’m contemplating how “plugged in” i want to be to intense news. But i also don’t want to be totally out of the loop.
Thanks for pioneering this awesome life challenge!
I just listened to the podcast “How I feel After Deleting Social Media” and loved it. I’m on my way to deleting it all. Where are the tips on how to save facebook photos before deleting your account? Thank you Lynzy for all your wisdom.